

Charlottesville, the necessity of a trip to Munich for beer, and A-Ha [the band]

I returned to Charlottesville, Virginia last night, my home. It is weird to call it that, since I consider myself a born and bred Minnesotan, living away from "home." But I may as well call myself an east-coast Virginian now, given my plan to remain here indefinitely, subject to whim. Charlottesville has had great weather the last few days, and I'm enjoying the contrast from Minneapolis, Boston, and Montpelier (my last three haunts in the past few weeks over the holidays). Currently weather.com reports that it feels like 22 degrees in Minneapolis, 27 in Montpelier, VT, 36 in Boston, and 53 in Charlottesville, as of 3:50 PM EST. Oh yeah, the sun is out here, too, and there is no snow on the ground. Not that I dislike snow, but a reprieve is appreciated, especially since I am going skiing in Colorado in March. I'll get plenty of snow out west...

Munich Beer
German beer rules, and wheat beer is awesome. So I have been considering ordering some real weizenbier glasses from Straub's, which has a fine selection of authentic glassware for beer consumption.

All this browsing of glassware for drinking fine german beer is demanding of me a return to Europe, particularly East Germany and Scandinavia, although I also have a desire to see Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Greater England (outside London) on a separate trip. I think a Norway-Sweden-Denmark-Berlin-Munich trip could be great, however, maybe for a fortnight after I take (and pass!) my BAR EXAM in late July 2007.

What a great band, to make such a catchy and annoying song ("Take on me") that keeps getting stuck in my head. Such inane lyrics, but I don't care. A-Ha, I salute thee!

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