

Gibson's Anti-Semitic Tirade

I have to link to this story -- Gibson's Anti-Semitic Tirade.

It just confirms what we basically already know: despite protestations to the contrary, the uber-Catholic, right-wing Gibson is a wholesale anti-semite. I don't care if you think Israel is responsible for a lot of the middle east mess, making remarks about a people who are not all Israelis or even pro-Israel is pretty damning evidence of racism without basis in fact.

It also makes me giggle at all the Gibson apologists who tried vainly to convince me that right-wing Catholicism was not anti-semitic (as a movement) when the Passion of the Christ came out. But really, Gibson is the public face of right-wing Catholicism. And now he has spoken. Drunkenly.

Addendum: I don't care about this "cover up" arc the news media is reporting.



World Cup 2006: Screw you Brazil!

I just watched the arrogant "giants," Brazil, lose to France, who NOBODY expected to go very far in this Cup. I love it.

So many people love Brazil because they are the Yankees of International football, and have won the most titles. But really, after sitting through 90 minutes of announcers constantly telling me how great Brazil is, and how they were expected to win... France dominated. I counted maybe three shots by Brazil on goal today (excluding the free kick they were granted when Ronaldo took an obvious dive near the top of the box, like the pro Brazilian drama queen he is).

I don't often cheer for the French, but I'm delighted to see them smoke Brazil.

And don't even get me started on how cool it was to watch Germany beat out Argentina on penalty kicks in a Latino dive bar in central DC yesterday. It's amazing how many latinos and even some non-latinos root for whichever latin team is playing, irrespective of the fact that they are not from there and have no reason to... I don't do that with European teams (and I'm not European either). I didn't root for numerous teams, all I really wanted was Germany and the U.S.A. to go as far as possible. I only liked France because they were playing the over-hyped Brazilians...

But enough soccer rambling.

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