

A Concise Argument against 'Intelligent Design'

Today I suffered from the deficiencies of our supposed "intelligent designer." As I was eating two very hot and very delicious bagels (one of which was actually a sandwich with pastrami), I bit my cheek not once but twice. Now this happens to me (and others, I presume) from time to time. My question is: Why would an all-powerful, massively intelligent "designer" design my mouth so that I would bite my cheek when I make a common biting motion with my jaw?

The answer, of course, is not that evolution is true and that mouths are imperfect. THe answer is that our intelligent designer is really dumb. In his drunkenness on Day Seven (see, e.g., Genesis) he obviously fucked up when he created the human mouth. For this I shake my fist at the sky.

And you cannot have the idea that 'he' modified our mouths after expulsion from Eden as a punishment. "From this day forth, thou shalt bite thy cheek with every seventy-fourth chew, and this shall be your punishment for your sin!" No, indeed, this would be akin to suggesting that the Designer actively intervenes to change, morph, or "evolve" human beings at his whim. I don't think that is the path the creationists want to go down!

It seems that we must accept one of two ideas, presupposing that the Creator exists. First, that He did not design his Creation to be perfect. If that's the case, you can't really argue with the guy -- you have power over your own chattels -- He can do whatever the crap He wants.

Or, second, that Creation IS perfect, but in a way that our limited minds cannot comprehend. So, there's a damned good reason you bite your cheek, just as there's one for why evil exists. This sounds like a bit of a cop-out, and from a debating standpoint, it certainly is, but a Creator-God is beyond the bounds of what can be reasonably deduced and argued, anyway.
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