

The Perils of (Even) Higher Education

This missive from my friend, chatting during one of his classes...
Anonymous (3:51:13 PM): This one guy KEEPS talking, keeps raising his hand. Really pretentious tone. And he looks like Michael Douglas in "Falling Down," so I'd be afraid to demonstrate even limited contempt for his chatter.

Ahh, the perils of legal education, which selects for the most pretentious people from undergraduate education, gives them the entitlement "law student" and lets them speak in class. We would all value our fellow man much more if there were a strict lecture-only policy. But alas, my contempt for my fellows in the intelligentsia grows daily... I can see why those who are intelligent but out of the elite mainstream despise the elite "mainstream" (the "intelligentsia" of professors, journalists, scientists/researchers, and political groups who hold liberal-socialist views within roughly the same sphere as each other). It would be hellish to be completely out of their circle and have to deal with their incessant talking amongst themselves on a daily basis in just such a manner as described above.

My heart goes out to disaffected conservative and libertarian writers and researchers. I am not one of your own, but I understand how the mainstream elite press must sound to you. Neither am I sympathetic to the iwitticisms digested and regurgitated in self-congratulatory mainstream elite opinion. And yes, I did just invent the word "iwitticisms."

i-wit-ti-cism, n.
A boring, repetitious, or worthless remark. See synonyms at Trite, Hackneyed, et cetera.

There, I said it. I hate pompous and annoying persons of all political persuasions, but particularly those with political, economic, or social power.

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