

The Chronicle: 5/5/2006: The Self-Inflicted Wounds of the Academic Left

The Chronicle: 5/5/2006: The Self-Inflicted Wounds of the Academic Left:
"Professor Brennan is right that the academic left is nowhere today. It matters more to David Horowitz than to anyone else. The reason is that its faith-based politics has crashed and burned. It specializes in detraction. It offers no plausible picture of the world. Such spontaneous movements as do crop up in America — like the current immigrant demonstrations — do not emerge from the campus left. Neither do reformers' intermittent attempts to eject the party of plutocracy and fundamentalism from power, to win universal health care, to protect the planet from further convulsions, to enlarge the rights of the least privileged. If more academics deigned to work toward reforms, they might contribute ideas about taxes, education, trade, employment, investment, foreign policy, and security from jihadists. But the academic left is too busy guarding the flame of nullification. They think they can fortify themselves with vigilance. In truth, their curses are gestures of helplessness."
Too true. These are the brilliant people who can sit around and bash President Bush as much as a blue-collar worker can, but cannot for the life of them recommend alternative policies. A shameful waste of intellectual resources.

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