

Another Slate attack on Murray for no reason

Again, another article where a Slate writer with no credentials or books to his name attacks Charles Murray, a controversial libertarian thinker who at least has ideas. See it here if you're utterly bored and contemptuous of Slate - Charles Murray vs. Amazon. By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine.

Seriously, accusing Murray of being Chauvinistic because his list of the greatest Physicists is male-dominated and euro-centric? It's obvious to me and everyone not living under a paleo-conservative rock that women have been held down and repressed for most of civilization's history (excluding female-dominant civilizations, of which there are a few). So we have a syllogism:
  1. Males have dominated power in civilizations that have made great scientific and technological advances and only within the past few decades has this started to change towards anything resembling equality. Duh-fucking-uh.
  2. There have been vast changes in science and technology since Plato.
  3. Conclusion: Maybe most of the advances in science were made by men!

Bemoan this fact you might, but you cannot change it by being politically correct. It's regrettable from an egalitarian ethical perspective, but most scientific advances were made by men, not women. Murray is not trying to hide this fact, and I doubt very much he has any anti-women crusade behind his work. Consider that he spends a good portion of "In our Hands" (his plan to replace the Welfare state) talking about how empowering it would be for women over truculent/bad husbands. Damn straight!

Slate: A note to your dimwitted authors. Read a man's complete work and understand it before judging him as a bad left-liberal, and therefore inferior. Idiots.

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